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Epice du Cru-Spice Trekkers Spice Kit 101

Epice du Cru-Spice Trekkers Spice Kit 101

Regular price $37.95 CAD
Regular price Sale price $37.95 CAD
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The original collection of spices in this kit was conceived to guide novices as they navigated the wide, wonderful, healthy and delicious culinary adventures that are possible when cooking with spices. The world has evolved and so too have cooks who wish to initiate or perfect their spice experiences by using a wider variety of interesting tastes and flavors. To meet the needs and expectations of this generation we have created a more versatile Kit 101. This kit combines some old favorites such as paprika and black pepper with the now familiar “must haves” like Vegetable spices and Madras curry. We have all come a long way in our understanding and use of spices and our new and improved Kit 101 is the perfect partner to help us turn the mundane into the extraordinary.


Madras Curry, Spanish Paprika, Vegetable Spice Blend, Herbes de Provence, Cumin, Garam Masala, Turmeric, Tribal Black Pepper, 8 Pepper Blend, Nutmeg & Mace, Clasis B.B.Q. Blend, Aleppo Pepper.


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